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What is YouGov?

Also Known as The "HOME FOR PUBLIC OPINION".YouGov is a world-leading online market research company.YouGov continuously collects opinions from across the world. Whether it’s what people think about brands, politics, current affairs, or the things you talk about with your friends.The media, non-profits and companies go to them to find out what the world thinks. Their innovative approach to data is independently ranked as highly accurate – that’s why they are one of the most-quoted data sources in the US and across the world.

From the very beginning, they have been driven by a simple idea: The more people are able to participate in the decisions made by the institutions that serve them, the better those decisions will be.
At the heart of this company is a global online community, where millions of people and thousands of political, cultural and commercial organisations engage in a continuous conversation about their beliefs, behaviours and brands.
They combine this continuous stream of data with their deep research expertise and broad industry experience, to develop the technologies and methodologies that will enable more collaborative decision making.
And provide a more accurate, more actionable portrait of what the world thinks.

Products and Services

Their suite of proprietary data products includes: BrandIndex, the daily brand perception tracker; YouGov Omnibus, the fastest, most cost effective way to obtain answers from both national and selected samples; and YouGov Profiles, a new tool for media planning, segmentation and forecasting.
They publish a number of syndicated reports, such as the annual Global Survey of Wealth & Affluence, which provide comprehensive market intelligence on a range of industry sectors. Their custom research specialists also conduct a full spectrum of quantitative and qualitative research tailored to meet their clients’ specific needs.

How does YouGov conduct Public Opinion research?

YouGov conducts its public opinion surveys online using something called Active Sampling for the overwhelming majority of its commercial work, including all nationally and regionally representative research. The emphasis is always on the quality of the sample, rather than the quantity of respondents.
When using Active Sampling, restrictions are put in place to ensure that only the people contacted are allowed to participate. This means that all the respondents who complete YouGov surveys will have been selected by YouGov, from our panel of registered users, and only those who are selected from this panel are allowed to take part in the survey.

Who takes part in Public Opinion research?

Over the last ten years, YouGov has carefully recruited a panel of over 800,000 British adults to take part in our surveys. Panel members are recruited from a host of different sources, including via standard advertising, and strategic partnerships with a broad range of websites.
When a new panel member is recruited, a host of socio-demographic information is recorded. For nationally representative samples, YouGov draws a sub-sample of the panel that is representative of British adults in terms of age, gender, social class and education, and invites this sub-sample to complete a survey.
To reiterate, with Active Sampling only this sub-sample has access to the questionnaire via their username and password, and respondents can only ever answer each survey once.

How is the data analysed?

Once the survey is complete, the final data are then statistically weighted to the national profile of all adults aged 18+ (including people without internet access).  All reputable research agencies weight data as a fine-tuning measure and at YouGov we weight by age, gender, social class, region, level of education, how respondents voted at the previous election, how respondents voted at the EU referendum and their level of political interest. Targets for the weighted data are derived from four sources:
  1. The census
  2. Large scale random probability surveys, such as the Labour Force Survey, The National Readership survey and the British Election Study
  3. The results of the 2015 general election.
  4. Offical ONS population estimates
Active Sampling ensures that the right people are invited in the right proportions. In combination with our statistical weighting, this ensures that our results are representative of the country as a whole. Not just those with internet access, but everyone. While it is true that not everyone does have access to the internet, independent academic research shows that its widespread uptake means the views of those with access to the internet and now mostly indistinguishable from those without.
Obtaining good-quality samples is a challenge for all methodologies. Response rates for telephone polls for example, have been declining in recent years - to typically below 10% - and often much lower in inner city areas. The ability to extrapolate from the under 10% of telephone respondents that pollsters can get hold of, to the 90% that they cannot, is clearly a challenge - leading to concerns over the quality of achieved samples, whether telephone or face-to-face. There are, of course, some areas where an online approach is inappropriate, and we would always alert our clients to this. However, it would be unfair to say that online is ‘biased’ in a way that offline is not. The fact is, there are different biases for which all approaches have to account.
For Scottish polls we additionally weight by country of birth and vote at the 2014 referendum on Independence. For polls of Greater London we additionally weight by ethnicity.
For information as to how our methodology has been adapted for Wales please see our commentary by Laurence Janta-Lipinski.

How YouGov prompts for voting intention

When we ask voting intention for Westminster elections we prompt people with the names of the Conservatives, Labour, Liberal Democrats, the SNP and Plaid Cymru or "some other party". People selecting some other party are then shown a second screen offering the choice of other smaller political parties or "other".
The selection of which parties we prompt for is based purely upon what past research and comparison with election results has produced the most accurate results; there is no formal criteria or level of support at which a party is prompted for. Past experience has shown us that prompting for smaller parties in the main question overestimates their level of support when compared to actual elections, while our method has consistently accurately measured levels of support for minor parties (even in cases, like European elections, when they have broken through to win widespread support).
Respondents are asked to say how likely they are to vote on a scale of zero to ten and their answers to voting intention questions are additionally weighted based on their answer. Respondents who did not vote at the previous general election are additionally weighted down by 50%.
In designing our methodology, for Westminster, regional and European elections, our priority is always what our experience and research leads us to believe will produce the most accurate results.

How accurate are your results?

YouGov has a strong history of accurately predicting actual outcomes across a wide range of different subjects, including national and regional elections, political party leadership contests and even the results of ITV talent show The X Factor.

Panel privacy

YouGov abides by the Market Research Society’s strict guidelines on confidentiality. We never divulge anything that might identify the views of individual respondents. YouGov is also a founder member of the British Polling Council and we abide by its rules.

 Here are Reviews from some of the Popular Sites Worldwide:

“They produce a more representative, more accurate national survey than the competition… stands out as a top performer.”

“Outperformed all others. By a lot… clearly stood ahead of the pack.”

“No political party can really claim to have won the U.K. election, but one company can - YouGov.”

“The YouGov model is more than a poll. It's a hybrid of a traditional opinion survey and an exercise in big data analysis.”

“YouGov was startlingly effective... Their model worked astoundingly well.”

“Surpassing all expectations... provides results faster and, often, more accurately than rivals.”

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