Call of Duty: Black Ops III Review: 'Competitive Feel' Took At Hit With Addition Of Too Many Features?

Call of Duty: Black Ops III is available on retail shelves. This game comes from Treyarch, the team which gave us one of the most popular Call of Duty game in recent time, Black Ops II. Let's try to find out in our Call of Duty: Black Ops III review whether the improvements and new additions made by Treyarch are worth your time and hard-earned money?
Call of Duty: Black Ops III Review


Call of Duty: Black Ops III campaign fits perfectly into the same old Call of Duty campaign formula and style. It is pretty generic and hurriedly throws you into deep end of the story, and there is nothing too significant in it. The best part of the Black Ops III campaign is that it is possible for you to play it in co-op with three other players. In fact, Treyarch designed Black Ops III to be played with friends. You can go on and play the campaign on your own but there is certain section in the game that is far too large and it is not in the hand of one player to rattle it out. Black Ops III campaign is still far too linear and you will hardly come across a deviation or part of a game which allows exploration. Don't take my comment wrong here, the campaign is enjoyable and players will need some good skills and tactical abilities to complete it successfully but the story is far too predictable, and this is very it takes a hit.

Zombies Mode:

The one thing that Treyarch knows how to do it the best way is zombies mode. The one added in Black Ops III is as fun and exciting as the past games, loyal fans will instantly fall in love with the new maps. Another best part of zombies in Black Ops III is that when you successfully beat the campaign you can replay it in Nightmare mode. This Nightmare mode completely transforms the game into a fun co-op FPS game where you will replay the entire game but against ZOMBIES.


This is the section of Black Ops III where players will spend 99 percent of their time. At the start, Black Ops III multiplayer will look average but your perception towards it will change as you make progress and unlock new perks, weapons, and abilities. The map designs and layouts are one of the best I have seen in a Call of Duty game since the release of original Black Ops, it is still far behind what we got in Modern Warfare and Modern Warfare 2, but it is a close second on the list. There are many weapons and attachments in the game which feels nice and robust, in-game sound (including weapon noise) adds a realistic feel. The addition of Wall running and Jetpacks are a welcome addition but it feel old, we have already seen these features in Titanfall so the addition of it in Black Ops III sounds like a yesterday's news.
The competitive feel of the Call of Duty game (multiplayer section) is taken away in Black Ops III with the addition of wall running, jet packs and see through walls perks. The addition of wall running and jet packs creates a 3D map which allow players to exploit few areas and camp, no doubt this has been seen in few other games as well. I agree with the fact that Treyarch needed to row back with the amount of the perks available. I agree with the fact that Black Ops III offers good variety and choice, but the point I am raising here is that the development team might have an offer too many choices to players.


Overall, Call of Duty: Black Ops III feels very much more of the same with an ultra modern day setting and twist. Treyarch managed to modernize things perfectly but fails in the mechanic section and you will be able to figure this out as you continue to play more and more. The original Modern Warfare game managed things perfectly between modern day setting and authentic factor, there was no unwanted favor for one player over the other. It feels like the only tactical setting players are left with is jump through a window and shoot your enemy, run across the wall and throw a grenade. Old days of discovering a new location and holding up there and other tries to get to the same spot are gone, Black Ops III feels more like a free run without any teamwork factor. Wait for a price drop, Black Ops III's $60 price tag feels too pricey.


Great performance, sticks to 60FPS most of the time
Co-op Campaign and Zombie Mode (especially Nightmare mode) are fantastic
Online Maps are great
Terrific Weapons and attachments


There is nothing special about the campaign
Few Perks doesn't work well, for example, X-Ray vision can be termed as a bad idea and there is every chance that it will unbalance matches.
Hit detection doesn't work consistently
Jetpacks and Wall running features will remind you of Titanfall.


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Score: 7/10

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